(937) 797-7372
MacAir Aviation provides high-quality maintenance services for Piper, Cirrus, Beechcraft, and most general aviation aircraft. We are also a Cirrus Limited Service Center and a FAA Approved 145 repair station.
Our highly skilled and experienced technicians are dedicated to providing you with professional service, as we perform detailed inspections, check for applicable Airworthiness Directives, and give an in-depth review of your logbooks.

We stock Piper, Cirrus, Beechcraft parts as well as general items such as tires, oil filters, air filters, Cleveland wheel & brake parts and electrical components.
Our digital aircraft weighing system provides an accurate weight of your aircraft ensuring your weight and balance records are correct. For your convenience, we provide a printed weight and balance data report.
Visit our Avionics shop to find all your installation needs, ADSB solutions, inspections and WAAS and Software upgrades
Our Maintainers
Roger Romero, A&P, IA
Director of Maintenance
Leads our quest to provide quality service at reasonable rates and in a timely manner; Fully Cirrus factory trained, 14 years GA experience, FAA Repair Station background.
Grace Dwyer
Parts Manager
Commercial SE/ME-Instrument Pilot. Former MacAir line personnel for 4 years.
Dan Carlyle A&P
Engine expert; with 44 years of GA experience.
Nick Schmid A&P
9 years aviation mechanic, Cirrus trained.​
Lee Myers A&P
Worked as a MX intern for MacAir for 4 year prior to becoming and A&P. Cirrus trained.
Chris Rainwaters
11 years of experience as an Avionics Technician.
Cole Phillips
Veteran and A&P Intern
Joe Bynum
Maintenance Support
Max Pollander
GCCC and Sinclair College graduate for Airframe and Powerplant.
Garrick Hollingshead
USAF guidance and control technician. Over 8 years of experience working on General Aviation aircrafts.