PSI Testing Center
MacAir Aviation serves as a PSI Testing site, which allows you to conveniently take the FAA Airman Knowledge Test (written exam) at our location.
Test Registration
To register for the FAA Airman Knowledge Test:
Contact MacAir Aviation as outlined below (red box) for more information. We are normally available Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.
Our testing center hours are Monday thru Friday 10 am to 4 pm.
You will need your FAA Tracking Number (FTN) to register. If you do not know your FTN or do not have a FTN, Click here to log in or sign up in IACRA (Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application).
Click here to register and pay for your exam.
Using your FTN, create an account. The PSI system will verify your information is an exact match with the FAA's IACRA system. From there, select the FAA Airman Knowledge Test, the location (MacAir Aero Club), test date and make payment.
Test Day
On the day of the test, you will need to bring:
Valid ID that includes your photo, date of birth, signature and physical (residential) address.
U.S. citizens and resident aliens should bring one of the following:
Identification card issued by any U.S. state, territory, or government entity. (e.g., driver's permit or license, government identification card, or military identification card) OR
Passport OR
Alien residency card
Non-U.S. citizens need:
Passport AND
Driver permit or license issued by U.S. state or territory OR
Identification card issued by any government entity
Authorization to take the test
E6B (manual or electronic, no memory)
MacAir Aviation will provide the following materials for the test:
Pens and pencils
Scrap paper
Test supplement book
Plastic overlay, marker, and wet and dry overlay cleaning cloths
For More Information
Andrew Mort (937) 581-6865 or Morta@macair.us